I am very PR friendly and I would give an unbiased review of your product.
About Me:
I am very interested in reveiwing/ giveawaying products from PR Professionals as I'm always around my niece and two nephews. I am also close their parents so the parents can also test it out also. Your product would get a review that is unbiased and very professional and I can inform other people about the great product you offer.
I want to find products that will be safe for them and preserve the world around them and their future children. I want to keep this world a beautiful place. On top of that, I hope to educate their parents on cost efficent, safe, and eco-friendly products that they can use over again and not end up in a landfill. Also products that will be safe for teething and food that will be good for their bellies.
I'm very interested in the following areas/products to review or giveaway:
Pets(dogs)-toys,treats,food, bathing
Babies/toddlers-toys, shoes, bathing, teething,natural products, strollers, car products, food, diaper bags
Eco-Friendly for cleaning for house hold products and laundry
Aunt Gear - clothing, shoes, hair products, make-up-that are of cost friendly and eco-friendly
love to blog about my niece and two nephews, my daily life which includes going to school and working. I know there are alot of many mommy bloggers, but what about aunt bloggers who are very involved in their nieces and nephews lives. The aunts who want to educate their parents on these products and try to get them to stop wasting and start using eco-friendly products. I use my blog for this purpose too.
I would love to hear from Professional PRs who are looking for someone to review their products in a very educational and ethical way.You can contact me at ecofriendlyaunt@gmail.com